Our fresh feelings bouquet is the perfect show of unadulterated love and affection. Beautiful white roses in an affectious mix. If you're looking for an enchanting and stunning white arrangement then this is the one for you. Pictured is the Delux bouquet.
All of our hand-tied bouquets are available in an aqua pack. Presentation in a bag or box vase is also available in many sizes. If you want us to add a message card to your delivery then no problem, when you add your bouquet to the cart you will be asked to type the message you want. You'll also be asked for the required date and time that you want us to hand deliver your flowers.
There's a chance that flowers may vary slightly from those pictured, if this is the case we will notify you of this.
Lilies and Rose's will be making that someone special feeling fab because this bouquet is simply stunning.
All of our hand-tied bouquets are available in an aqua pack. Presentation in a bag or box vase is also available in many sizes. If you want us to add a message card to your delivery then no problem, when you add your bouquet to the cart you will be asked to type the message you want. You'll also be asked for the required date and time that you want us to hand deliver your flowers.
There's a small chance that colours and/or flowers may vary slightly from those pictured when seasonal availability affects what we can stock. However we will do our best to deliver them as you require and notify you if there are any issues.
Text Reads: "You grow more & more wonderful every single year
Happy Birthday I love You".
All of our cards are hand written and sealed in an envelope when delivered with flowers. We will copy exactly the message you leave during the checkout process.